How to Create a Successful Billboard: Printing Company Tips

We Print On Demand

We live in the digital age and are inundated with online media and social networking. Some people believe that this new age media has trivialized traditional marketing. In some aspects the digital era has shifted marketing perspective but through-the-line marketing continues to thrive. Printing companies offer tangible, engaging marketing solutions that cannot be ignored, and grab the eye of the consumer more than digital marketing ever could. Notably, billboard design and billboard printing is booming.

We may live in an internet based society but we still have to take the roads to work and we still need something to look at when stuck in traffic.

This form of outdoor print marketing provides an effective platform for reaching clients and potential clients. The key is to design a billboard that is eye-catching, smart, and informative.

So, how do you optimise your billboard for maximum results?

4 Printing Company Tips for Designing the Ultimate Billboard

  • Keep it Simple

It is important to keep in mind that your audience is on the move when they view your billboard. They don’t have time to read long-winded paragraphs describing your products, services and company history. The text on your billboard needs to be straight to the point. Be concise in your copy, focus on your core message and your call to action.

  • Brand Building

A billboard plastered with contact details and a variety of addresses just makes for an eyesore. Instead of designing your billboard to just “sell” a product, design it for brand awareness purposes too. You are creating a name for yourself through this medium and you need to be memorable. An easy to read tagline, single point of contact (eg: web address), a well placed logo, and an eye-catching image is enough to inform your audience about who you are and what it is you do.

If you are looking to have a more intimate conversation with your target market, then invest in flyers, brochures, and cross media campaigns. Speak to your printing company about all the printing options available! When it comes to building your brand and increasing brand awareness, go all out with billboard advertising!

  • Call to Action is Key

Do not confuse your audience with too many options. Choose your main selling point, product or service to dominate the design. Every other element of your design should be there to support your main advertising goal.

  • Be Smart not Supercilious

No one is going to look at your billboard if it is bland and boring. In the same breath, no one is going to take the time to read a billboard that is too complex. These people are on the road, they don’t have time! To leave a memorable impression, you need to be smart in your application. Once again, keep it simple.

Billboards need to be eye-catching and provide your target market with quick and easy to digest information.

Get your brand to the masses through innovative and smart billboard advertising.


To ensure a successful print marketing campaign, you have to be strategic in your approach and work with a professional designer and printing company. They understand the entire branding process from start to finish.

Jetline provides design, printing, brand management and digital marketing solutions to boost your brand awareness.

Contact our experts today for all your design, printing, brand management and digital marketing solutions.