How to build trust with consistent brand management: Branding Company Tips

We Print On Demand

As a professional printing, design and branding company, we know that the experience you create with your customers through every single interaction is the fundamental principle of marketing. You build customer loyalty by creating a compelling experience, one that is consistent in its message, design and branding.

A colour scheme, logo and consistent imagery allows employees, customers and partners to instantly recognise product lines and company information. This allows customers to easily pick out your product or service in an over-saturated marketplace. Effective and consistent company branding enhances the image of your business and resides in the mind of the consumer. This is why working alongside a professional branding company services provider is imperative.

Your long term branding efforts need to keep your business consistent in its representation. This needs to transcend product lines, messages and audience appeal, allowing your business to grow and maintain a loyal client base.

The goal is to make your branding cohesive across all mediums, from print and to digital marketing. People do business with companies that they are familiar with. If your branding is uniform, it becomes easily recognisable. This makes people feel at ease when purchasing your product or service.

Take it from your trusted branding company: your brand represents you and the value you promise your customer. So keep it consistent on all platforms. And remember, brand management is key.

Detailed Brand Guidelines: Branding Company Tips

It is important for all businesses to put together a comprehensive document outlining brand guidelines. This document works on two critical levels.

  1. It explains why certain elements are used to reflect your brand.
  2. Offers practical instructions about how to use these elements on different platforms.

Your brand guidelines should be distributed to your entire team, ensuring everyone gains insight into the business.

The goal of these guidelines is to protect the name of your brand so that it continues to strengthen the value of your company. Brand guidelines attain this by outlining the importance of your identity and detailing how to use elements of your brand. This document works as a comprehensive manual for those who use your brand name,  from printing companies and branding companies through to your marketing team and web developers.

This kind of attention to detail in brand management allows you to manage the perceptions of the client, eliminate brand confusion and instill brand confidence. A streamlined brand actually allows room to create high impact and creative campaigns. It gives marketers a line to work within, while providing them with a thorough understanding of your style: this opens the way to the ultimate marketing campaign.

Brand Management and Printed Materials

Print is the most tangible form of marketing and should be designed and presented to make an impact. All your print marketing materials, and branding services, from letterheads through to your business cards, need to reflect a cohesive brand identity.

When designing your print materials, make sure that all your branding guidelines are strictly adhered to, from your logo and font, to brand colours, icons and imagery.

Brand Management and Digital Marketing

Your colour scheme, typography, icons, graphics and imagery must be consistent throughout your blog, newsletter, website and social platforms. It is also important to recognise the voice and message of your brand – what you believe in and what you stand for as a company.

The tone of your brand must never be side-lined. Your blogs and social posts need to tell your story and reinforce your brand message and corporate identity.

Brand Management Portal

Jetline recognised a fundamental gap in the market for an effective brand management solution and the Jetline Brand Management Portal was born.

BMP is an all-encompassing system that functions as a digital style guide. It maintains your relevant brand information and guidelines, ensuring brand uniformity across all your marketing and corporate materials.

The bottom line is that brand management cannot be ignored or side-lined. Consistency in business identity improves audience recall, influences buyer behaviour and reassures your value to the customer.

What business owner does not want that?

Contact your closest Jetline store to learn more about our Brand Management Portal and how it can help you and your business.