How to Successfully Brand your Start Up: Branding Services

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successfully brand your start up

Every business (no matter industry or size) requires a thorough brand strategy. The link between successful business and strong branding cannot be disputed. Through strategic branding and brand management solutions, and working alongside a professional branding services company, you define your business and speak to your target audience.

Today, clients of every industry recognise when a company tries to spin or gloss their way to sales. A strategically defined brand is designed to connect with your customers on an emotional level.

Emotive content evokes a sense of trust which organically leads to higher sales and brand distinction. So, where do you begin?

Be Unique

One of the most innovative and recognised brands of all time, Apple, went through a total brand overhaul in 1997. The campaign that reintroduced Apple to the market was aptly titled “Think Different.” Apple captured their unique approach to technology and design – they reintroduced themselves as a brand that is all about disrupting the industry norm. To this day Apple continues to disrupt.


The strategic re-brand embraces a sleek and forward thinking ambiance, setting the standard for competitors to up their innovative antics.

So, what is your brand story? Ask yourself, what is it that you do that others in your industry do not? Identify your difference and embrace it.

Make sure this difference is communicated in your design and all branding materials. Invest in professional graphic design services and place this design on all your marketing materials such as branded writing pads, annual reports, business cards, signage and website.

Brand Aesthetic

A powerful brand is one that is easily recognisable. Your recognition begins with your business name and visual representation. These elements are what appear on all your business cards, promotional materials, website, social media platforms and products – basically appearing anywhere and everywhere. Your brand aesthetic is the face of your business.


Having a strong name is not enough. The consumer is visual and associates brands with their logos, colours and typography. When it comes to designing your logo, it is vital to keep your audience and brand message in mind. Your logo needs to tell your brand story immediately. Ask yourself how you “feel” when you see a logo from a famous brand (Google, Amazon etc.)? What emotion do you want to stir in your audience?

Find your Voice

What you say and how you say it is vital. Your company needs its very own “voice.” A brand voice refers to a purposeful and consistent expression (on every marketing platform) of a business through words when communicating with an audience.

Your brand voice needs to reflect your brand personality. It is this tone of voice (be it conversation or formal) that delivers your brand message to customers. The tone of your brand cannot be sidelined.

Your social media posts, brochures, blogs and advertisements need to tell your story and reinforce your corporate identity.

Company Branding | Branding Solutions and Services | Jetline

This close attention to detail allows clients to relate to your brand. Consistent and company branding makes your business a part of your customers thought process.

Once again, think about well known brands and think about how they communicate with you. What is it you like about their “tone of voice”? How does the company’s voice embrace their brand message?

Brand Consistency and Brand Management is Key

Many small businesses think that it is acceptable to change their brand message depending on their audience. For example: a company may have a strictly formal voice on their website while they have a witty tone of voice on their social media platforms. This kind of inconsistency can quickly confuse the audience.

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To build and maintain a recognisable brand, every aspect of your brand should  be consistent. Your brand needs to be cohesive across all platforms, from your website and packaging through to your brochures, business cards and social networks. Brand consistency and brand management solutions lead to familiarity which leads to trust – which converts to sales!

Style Guide

With this in mind, it is important to put together a comprehensive document that outlines your brand guidelines. This document, known as a Style Guide, works on two vital levels. It explains why certain elements are used to reflect your brand while offering a practical instruction on how to use these elements on different platforms. It gives your graphic designers, branding company, digital agency and printing company a line to work within while providing them a thorough understanding of your style. This opens the way to the ultimate marketing campaign.

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Paying close attention to detail in brand consistency allows you to manage and maintain the perceptions of the client, eliminating confusion and instilling confidence in your brand.

Brand Management Solutions And Branding Services

Jetline noticed a fundamental gap in the market for an effective brand management solution, thus the Brand Management Portal was born.

BMP is an all-encompassing system that functions as a digital style guide. It maintains your relevant brand information and guidelines, ensuring brand uniformity across all your marketing and corporate print materials.

The bottom line is that brand management cannot be ignored. Consistency in business identity improves audience recall, influences buying behaviour and reassures your value to your customer.

Who doesn’t want that?

Contact Jetline to learn more about our Brand Management Portal and how it can help your business.