Logo Design Trends 2017: Uppercase Typography

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4 logo designs implemented this year point to a particular graphic design trend. Caps lock is apparently all the rage in 2017! This trend is about adding powerful emphasis, but may come across as loud and “shouty.” However, graphic designers can learn from these brands who have used the uppercase trend in their logo re-design successfully, and one, not so successfully.

Calvin Klein

American fashion house Calvin Klein, updated their iconic logo this year. The original Calvin Klein logotype was classic and easily identifiable the world over. So, when the brand announced that they were updating their logo design, the fashion and graphic design community were on high alert.

The logo was revealed and received mixed reviews, many celebrating a welcome change, while others chastised the brand for the “unnecessary” re-design.

Director of Calvin Klein, Raf Simons, has defended his controversial decision, stating: It’s a celebration of Calvin Klein’s iconic underwear and jeans, acknowledging their status as pop and showing them in the world of art.

Regardless of the mixed reviews, the brand got media coverage and got their target marketing talking.


Fanta’s re-brand wasn’t as subtle as Calvin Klein’s. The design went from lowercase rounded typography to “hand cut paper” squared typography. The colours were updated and a little smiley face was also added to the mix.

The design sticks to Fanta’s “fun” and youthful feel and is a welcome change. The uppercase design doesn’t seem “shouty” due to the designs almost child-like feel, and does not come off as intimidating because of this.

Emily Carr University

Emily Carr University’s original logo was unusual and dated to say the least. It was made up of circular doodles and thankfully updated this year. Designed by Camp Pacific, the new circle based logo was created using the painting palette of Emily Carr, the University’s namesake.

The bold circular theme and the uppercase typography work cohesively, creating a strong and memorable visual identity.


Lifestyle network, Lifetime, changes its logo more than Lady Gaga changes outfits. Therefore, it came as no surprise when the network changed its logo this year. The logo design went from lowercase to uppercase. The caps lock trend cannot be denied.

Unlike the above logos, Lifetime’s logo did not garner rave revues. Brand New commented on the brands logo change saying, “The new logo is bland type in a bland circle. It doesn’t say anything, at all, about… anything. About TV, or life, or women, and it is not full-on hipster or minimal, or elegant. It’s just caught somewhere in limbo.”

Rough. A lesson in what not to do.


Your logo forms the foundation of your brand and brand identity. It is what is seen on all your marketing materials, from your business cards and packaging through to your corporate stationery and social media platforms.

When the consumer views your logo design, they should immediately recognise your business and service/ product offerings.

Designing a logo is not an easy process. It takes strategic thinking, testing, and a professional graphic designer.

Looking to create an effective and eye-catching logo for your company branding? One that will work across all your branding platforms, from print to digital marketing?

Contact our graphic design, print, and branding experts today.

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